Portfolio Category: Travel Type

Forever Young

You never stop feeling young and are always in the mood to party. You are a night crawler, you prefer to go clubbing than visiting museums, and during the day, you choose to just relax at the beach or in lively bars. Party all night long!...


You are the typical traveler who needs a vacation from your vacation; you love adventure while discovering new places. One day you are surfing on a secluded beach and the next you are walking between pyramids. Your challenge is to always try new things like eating grasshoppers or roasted ants, and the spicier the food,...

Wine Lover

You consider yourself not only a wine lover, but also a connoisseur. Your vision of a perfect holiday is exploring charming vineyards with spectacular scenery, tasting exquisite wines and eating delicious food. You definitely need a "winecation"!...

Beer Lover

For sure you can say cheers in more than three languages, you like to taste everything from microbrews to the most commercial beers. You qualify a country based on the quality of its beer and when someone asks if you like festivals, the first thing that comes to your mind is "Oktoberfest". If tasting strong Trappist...